jazzman john clarke
jazzman was the first poet we published back in 2001 & we are pleased (yet equally sad) to publish posthumously ‘a love supreme – selected & unpublished jazz poems 2001-2018’
£10 plus £2.00 p&p
orders will be dispatched 25 November
If you wish to order multiple copies please email
mark wynne
Mark Wynne’s poetry has been widely published in magazines and on-line and following the publication of two pamphlets (frank&stella / point bolivar light) we are pleased to publish his debut full collection self-portrait in blue jacket
‘A marriage of shadows, framed by the conduct of others. Nerve endings, questioning celestial bodies, tied to the focus of life via the encounter of painting and literature. A gracious path through pain.’ Michael March
£12 plus £2.00 p&p
If you wish to order multiple copies please email
deconstructions (dekonstrukce)
– joshua calladine-jones
marking the culmination of Joshua Calladine-Jones’ acclaimed sequence – this engaging, informative new collection is presented in two distinct parts
– the first captures the fractured syntax of the overheard and the everyday, the second a fascinating lyrical vision
poem sample
from reactor
And yes. I am the architect. I have just one calculation.
I don’t have another energy or mood. I’m electricity.
Deconstructions operates through malfunctions of meaning, creating small glitches in syntax or ripples in context to consistently destabilise our expectations. This de(con)struction is also an act of creation – like a cut cable, with its exposed inner wires splayed out in multiple directions, this collection creates sparks.
Dan Power, poet (Memory Foam Doomsday Press 2023)
UK – £8 plus £2 p&p
£7 plus £2.00 p&p
brendan cleary – last poems?
A moving, elegaic pamphlet from Brendan Cleary – the master of concision at his beautiful deceptive best.
Reading Brendan Cleary is always a breath of fresh air. I know his poems will make my heart ache, make me laugh, make me think and – above all – make me want to write. ‘last poems?’ is a perfectly distilled collection. Cleary’s work remains unforgettable.
Helen Mort
Now available to order & you can hear Brendan read the sequence on his poets page.
If you wish to order multiple copies please email
Frank & Stella – Mark Wynne
Now revised and expanded with three additional poems and a cover image Self-Portrait IX – Frank Auerbach (with permission of the artist)
The powerful, intimate poems in this pamphlet use Auerbach’s work as a biographical mirror to explore the poet’s own life in a stunningly evocative sequence of poetry that lingers in the mind long after each page has been turned.
These poems are very potent and their links to Frank’s paintings, and life, are both vivid and subtle. In a perfect, oblique way they throw new light on the pictures – in a poet’s way.
Catherine Lampert
UK – £7 plus £2 p&p

£8 plus £2.00 p&p
ISBN 978-1-904551-70-6
Reconstructions [Rekonstrukce] –
Joshua Calladine-Jones
In this pamphlet the project that began in Constructions is elaborated. Voices from the everyday speak through a second-hand language and are confronted with their own lives. In the second section of the pamphlet Restorations the poet explores a borderline confessional form that expands towards a collective experience during times of global uncertainty.
In these poems and reconstructed lyrics we witness a stunning endeavour to restore life beyond its mechanics.
Zein Sa’dedin
If you wish to order multiple copies please email
for Czech/Prague orders see our
tall.lighthouse.prague page
Point Bolivar Light – Mark Wynne
In these poems, private failings manifest as a collective catastrophe. Survivors struggle to navigate the domestic dramas that have erupted from their own lives, incapable of differentiating between psychic and physical damage. Inspired by eyewitness accounts from the 1900 Galveston Flood, Point Bolivar Light is a collision of private and public catastrophe, an ecological and domestic endgame.
These are taut, tense poems, spoken by people at moments of crisis, the world encroaching on their dimly-lit but evocative rooms.
Declan Ryan

UK – £7 plus £2 p&p

UK – £8 plus £2 p&p
EU orders €9 plus €3 p&p
Constructions [Konstrukce] – Joshua Calladine-Jones
£8 ISBN 978-1-904551-15-7
Constructions is an exciting and entertaining sequence of poetry that challenges our ways of communicating, spoken and written. In three distinct poetic movements, the question of certainty in our daily language is opened up.
Discarding the dirty undergarments of English,
Joshua Calladine-Jones offers a new taste:
“Continuous like stars falling, flies in a glass of
milk.” A slippery diving board for the undercurrents
of language in a New Stone Age. Michael March
We are now able to despatch to the EU direct from Prague with stock supplied pre VAT changes in July.
If you wish to order multiple copies please email
Perfect Timing – Christopher Horton
In Perfect Timing, Christopher Horton focuses on what endures amongst the ephemera of the city, the suburb, the village, office-life to peel back the layers of our ‘everyday’. Whilst a number of poems address familiar poetic subjects, they are not approached in predictable ways but instead from new creative perspectives.
Observing an urban world, human and animal these poems pleasingly mark in word-music the juncture between the said and the unsaid.
Gillian Clarke
now available
If you wish to order multiple copies please email

£6 plus £1.50 p&p
Published December 2021 £6
ISBN 978-1-904551-10-2

£12 plus £2.00 p&p
Rescue Contraptions – Joe Duggan
This startling and frank collection journeys through the upheaval of the Northern Ireland Troubles and the unexpected loss of two younger brothers in San Francisco and Belfast, salvaging powerful moments of emotional intensity and celebration. The poems are delivered in a conversational style that allows ordinary words to find light in surprising places.
For someone who makes such a virtue out of plain-speaking honesty, there’s also a discreet flamboyance at play in Joe Duggan’s work. Yes, honest and real, but superbly and artfully executed, too. Take a long drink’.
Matthew Caley
Advance orders being taken which will be despatched on the official launch date Wednesday 29 June.
If you wish to order multiple copies please email
every robin i never quite saw – sonya smith
Beneath a deceptively calm surface, a powerful voice offers original slants on the ambiguous aspects of loving people. Aspects that are hard to talk directly about and are somehow deeply entwined with the natural world. These poems are placed at compass points encircling the object of love, whether that be another person or oneself, sensually embracing everything that interrupts the view.
These poems remind me of eccentric headwear on women unfettered by convention. Her poems travel the world, pause as still-lives, celebrate love. They’ll lift you up – they’re so full of compassion, questions and joy..
Jackie Wills
Now available – orders will be despatched within 48 hours.
If you wish to order multiple copies please email

£10 plus £2 p&p
ISBN 978 1 904551 22 5

wasted rainbow – caleb parkin
The debut pamphlet from Caleb is now OUT of PRINT but you can contact Caleb here
“And perhaps you’ll talk about their obsession with VW campers: the lustre of their colours, how their roofs open up, expanding like an idea. The intricacies of the foldaway interiors of every man.”
from ‘My Partner is Invited on a Stag Do…’
being called normal – sarah shapiro
This heartfelt sequence exposes the tribulations of people carelessly labeled (dys). Here is poetry that challenges our assumptions, posing as many questions as it answers.
Written as a direct response to the clinical experiences of the poet in how the ‘system’ accepts and treats (or doesn’t) children with (dys)abilities these poems are a dialogue between her documented psycho-educational evaluations and her reaction to the analysis and words used.
Sarah Shapiro lives and works in Boston. Her poetry is widely published in magazines and on-line and her debut pamphlet The Bullshit Cosmos was published by ignitionpress.
In this compelling pamphlet, Shapiro speaks back to the impersonal language of diagnostic evaluations as a ‘girl [once] silenced’ – by juxtaposing text taken from her own medical report with creative responses she illustrates the brilliance of her own mind. Mary Jean Chan
Now available – orders will be despatched within 48 hours
If you wish to order multiple copies please email

UK orders £8.00 plus £1.50 p&p
US orders $9 plus $3.50 p&p
also available in the US from
Grolier Poetry Bookshop, Plympton Street, Cambridge MA 02139

USA – $13 plus $3 p&p
UK – £10 plus £2 p&p
all it would take – marc swan
all it would take is Marc Swan’s immensely readable fifth collection, spanning a life in words, influenced by the sense of freedom espoused by Kerouac, Corso, Ginsberg, Ferlinghetti and in the quiet, essential essence of Carver.
Not read, but experienced, Marc Swan’s poems encourage us to see the world – its dangers and beauty – and to share our journeys with those we love. These poems do what it takes to illuminate a richly lived and well-examined life.
Hayley Mitchell Haugen
I thought the Marc Swan poem Standing Tall was a classic, Sure. Charles Bukowski
orders will be despatched within 48 hours of receipt
If you wish to order multiple copies please email
Live Ones – Sadie McCarney
Sadie has been on our poetry radar for many years so we are delighted to publish her rewarding debut collection. Live Ones reads like a tomboy with its pockets full of rhinestones, placing them lovingly on the graves of the dead.
Orders now being taken for UK/Europe
* we can supply to UK & Europe but if you are in Canada or the US you can purchase the University of Regina edition direct from them.

£12 plus £2p&p

ISBN 978-1-904551-87-4
£10 plus £1 p&p
do horses fly? – brendan cleary
We are pleased to publish Brendan’s latest collection Do Horses Fly? a compelling sequence of poems inspired by the images created by the photographer Eadweard Muybridge and his life and times. The poems are accompanied by Muybridge’s iconic photographic images.
The book was launched in Brighton & in London in 2019.
Copies can now be purchased which will be despatched within 48 hours of receipt of order.
Originally from Northern Ireland, Brendan spent a number of years in the North East before moving to Brighton where he lives & works as a poetry tutor.
Brendan Cleary is a master of concision, letting the unsaid speak properly. Helen Mort
where, the mile end – julie morrissy’s debut collection was published in February 2019 at a launch at Poetry Ireland, Dublin.
We are pleased to announce that the book is now available from the London Review Bookshop & Books Upstairs, Dublin.
Where, the Mile End is a striking first collection that inspires one to travel in its pages again and again. Colette Bryce
If you wish to order multiple copies please email
orders will be despatched within 48 hours of receipt

ISBN 978-1-904551-89-8
£12 plus £2 p&p

ISBN 978 1 904551 79 9
goin’ down slow – brendan cleary
goin’ down slow brings together Brendan Cleary’s poetry published over twenty-five years. His previous collections include The Irish Card and Sacrilege (Bloodaxe) Stranger in the House (Wrecking Ball Press) and weightless & some turbulent weather (tall-lighthouse).
His previous collections include The Irish Card and Sacrilege (Bloodaxe) Stranger in the House (Wrecking Ball Press) and weightless & some turbulent weather (tall-lighthouse).
Some of us stay home & write tame poems about wild things, Brendan Cleary gets out there & captures wild ones & brings them home alive. Hugo Williams
Brendan Cleary’s poetry creates a modern blues. Roddy Lumsden
Just read them for yourself and listen. Martin Mooney
Brendan Cleary might be goin’ down slow but he’s certainly making the most of the descent… Poetry Book Society