our current poets

Joe Duggan

Joe Duggan

This startling and frank collection journeys through the upheaval of the Northern Ireland Troubles and the unexpected loss of two younger brothers in San Francisco and Belfast, salvaging powerful moments of emotional intensity and celebration. The poems are delivered...

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Christopher Horton

Christopher Horton

In Perfect Timing, Christopher Horton focuses on what endures amongst the ephemera of the city, the suburb, the village, office-life to peel back the layers of our ‘everyday’. Whilst a number of poems address familiar poetic subjects, they are not approached in...

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Sonya Smith

Sonya Smith

Sonya Smith’s resonant poems investigate the texture of experience and how we’re shaped by memory. Here, loss and desire emerge from surprising angles in writing that is consistently nuanced, concise, stirring.

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Caleb Parkin

Caleb Parkin

Caleb Parkin is currently serving as the third Bristol City Poet. He won second prize in the National Poetry Competition 2016, the Winchester Poetry Prize 2017 and various other shortlists.

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Sarah Shapiro

Sarah Shapiro

Sarah Shapiro lives and works in Boston. Her poetry is widely published in magazines and on-line and her debut pamphlet The Bullshit Cosmos was published by ignitionpress. She did not start to read until she was eight so her success is well earned.

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Mark Wynne

Mark Wynne

A poet with an exceptional feel for the emotional impact of a poem on the page – we have published two pamphlets with Mark – Frank & Stella and Point Bolivar Light.

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Marc Swan

Marc Swan

all it would take is Marc Swan’s immensely readable fifth collection, spanning a life in words, influenced by the sense of freedom

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Sadie McCarney

Sadie McCarney

Sadie McCarney is a Canadian poet who grew up in Nova Scotia. She now lives on Prince Edward Island, where she also writes fiction.

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Julie Morrissy

Julie Morrissy

Julie is an exciting new poet who we are pleased to welcome to our press. She was recently announced as a ‘Next Generation’ artist for 2018/19 by the Arts Council of Ireland

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Brendan Cleary

Brendan Cleary

Originally from Northern Ireland, Brendan spent a number of years in the North East before moving to Brighton where he lives & works as a poetry tutor.

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tall-lighthouse is proud to have published & supported the following poets:


Abdul Jamal     Abi Curtis   Adam O’Riordan   Ailbhe Darcy

Alan Buckley   Alex Brockhurst   Angela Williams   Aoife Mannix

Alex Green   Amy Key   Andy Brown

Baden Prince   Ben Parker   Ben Wilkinson   Brendan Cleary

Caleb Parkin   Camellia Stafford   Cathy Ryan 

Charlotte Runcie   Chelsea Cargill  Christopher Horton

David Crystal   Dikra Ridha

Ebele   Emily Berry   Emma McGordon

Gaie Sebold   Gareth Jones   Graham Buchan   Graham Pollock

Harry Man   Heather Taylor   Helen Mort   Helen Oswald

James Bell   Janice Fixter   Jasmine Ann Cooray   Jay Bernard

Jocelyn Page   Jodie Hollander   Joe Duggan   John Barron

Jazzman John Clarke   John McCullough   Josephine Corcoran

Joshua Calladine-Jones    Julie Morrissy

Kate Potts   Keith Please   Ken Champion   Kim Lasky

Lisa Dart   Liz Berry

Maggie Sullivan   Marc Swan   Mark Russell

Mark Wynne   Matt Haw   Miriam Gamble

Nii Ayikwei Parkes

Pierre Ringwald

Retta Bowen   Rhian Edwards   Richard O’Brien   Ronnie McGrath

Sadie McCarney   Sarah Howe   Sarah Shapiro   Simon Pomery

Sonya Smith   Stacy Fox

Todd Swift

Valerie Jack   Vidyan Ravinthiran

Wendy French