

Joshua Calladine-Jones – Constructions        this exciting new pamphlet is a surreal, experimental sequence in three distinct poetic movements. A slippery diving board for the undercurrents of language in a New...
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Live Poetry Returned!

What a great event, in front of an actual live audience. Sonya read from her collection alongside the wonderful Martina Evans. Thanks to Lewes Live Lit for putting this on.
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Sarah Shapiro – Being Called Normal

In this compelling pamphlet, Shapiro speaks back to the impersonal language of diagnostic evaluations as a ‘girl silenced’    Mary Jean Chan                more info. on Sarah’s poet’s page.
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Caleb Parkin

his sparkling, often surreal pamphlet –  wasted rainbow is now out of print ‘a delightfully original debut’ Carrie Etter                  more info. on Caleb’s poet’s page
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Sonya Smith’s full collection

every robin i never quite saw – a beautifully crafted debut. ‘These poems will lift you up – they’re so full of compassion, questions and joy.’  Jackie Wills more info. on Sonya’s  poets...
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Praise for Mark Wynne’s Frank & Stella

Reading these poems has been an emotional and intriguing experience – left with an over-riding feeling of things being just out of reach – and everyday bringing the blank canvas...
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Frank & Stella – Mark Wynne

we’re excited to return to the pamphlet format with this engrossing  sequence of poems inspired by the life & work of Frank Auerbach ‘Mark Wynne’s poems are finely tuned machines.’                            John...
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welcome back marc swan

we’re pleased to publish marc’s new collection all it would take poetry that spans a life in words ‘Not read, but experienced, Marc’s poems encourage us to see the world – its...
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Brendan’s lockdown blues

despite the cancellation of the event there’s a great article on Brendan Cleary in the i newspaper (24 March 2020) thanks to Nick Hasted for this.
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welcome to Sadie McCarney

a tremendous young Canadian poet who we’ve been following for some years and is now published by tall-lighthouse! McCarney’s poems are led by voice and I am glad to follow  Lily Blacksell...
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Roddy Lumsden

We are sad to record that Roddy Lumsden died on Friday 10 Jaunuary 2020. Roddy was a great influence to many young poets, in particular through our pilot series of...
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double book launch

to celebrate the start of the next chapter for tall-lighthouse we held a double book launch & reading at the Poetry Café in London on Monday 20 May 2019. Brendan...
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past book launches

Julie’s Morrissy’s debut collection Where, the Mile End was launched at Poetry Ireland in Dublin on Thursday 21 February 2019. Brendan Cleary’s sequence of poems on the photographer Eadweard Muybridge Do Horses Fly? was...
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RIP Jazzman

in 2018 we were saddened to record the passing of Jazzman John Clarke the original tall-lighthouse poet who we met at Magnetic North Writers in Greenwich & published his early...
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